
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Days Eighty Six Through Ninety

Day Eighty Six

Day Eighty Seven

Day Eighty Eight

Day Eighty Nine

Day Ninety

Charlotte's first ice cream cone! Well, what's left of it anyway.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Charlotte's First Birthday, Part Three

Time for presents!

Charlotte got three talking cards! She loved them.

Grandma Brandner holding up her gift

Uncle Steven watching

Look at all the new clothes! Score!

Opening a present

Uncle Nathan

Watching the guests out back

Hanging out with grandpa Brandner

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Charlotte's First Birthday - Eating Her Giant Cupcake!

Her party was cupcake themed, so why not a giant cupcake instead of a cake?

At first, she didn't know what to do with it.

Then she touched it...

And once Mario (dad) showed her what to do with it, she dug in!


"Want a bite uncle Steven?"

"ok fine, I'll eat it all myself then"

Mario taping while Charlotte chowed down

Aaanddd off goes the top

Messy birthday girl!

The Aftermath