Day One Hundred Twenty Five
I know I love this one because she is my little girl - mommy goggles are in full effect
Day One Hundred Twenty Six
Our dog Ben. He is tough to get a decent picture of because he is all black, but this one came out pretty nicely.
Day One Hundred Twenty Seven
The sky was so beautiful this night! I wish I could have captured how truly awesome it really was. it is impossible to capture the color of the sky and the brightness of the moon at the same time though. Trust me, it was breathtaking.
Day One Hundred Twenty Eight
We had a crazy rainstorm start up out of nowhere. It was crazy!
Day One Hundred Twenty Nine
Isn't thins little guy cute?? He was so tiny that it was difficult to photograph him.
Day One Hundred Thirty
One of my BFF's (Amanda).
Day One Hundred Thirty One
Cute little tootsie wootsies. I just love pictures of all the little details in life.
Day One Hundred Thirty Two
Charlotte seriously loves water.
Day One Hundred Thirty Three
She is always making faces like this at me.
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