
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Picture of the Day

Day One Hundred Forty Six

This is an older picture from last month. I think this duck has pretty coloring.

Day One Hundred Forty Seven

This is also a picture form last month that I didn't have the opportunity to share yet. I just love spring when the ducks and geese have their babies! Aren't they adorable?

Day One Hundred Forty Eight

I love this picture! It's from my mom's birthday.

Day One Hundred Forty Nine

We found a fantastic new park that I am so excited to go take more pictures at! I was taking a picture of these flowers and this little guy landed right on them!

Day One Hundred Fifty

So this is not a terribly interesting photo, but it has a purpose. One of the first basic rules in photography says that if you are unsure of what settings to use to get a proper exposure you should set your ISO and shutter speed at 100, then put your aperture at f/16. It's called the f/16 rule. It worked! This picture came out perfectly exposed!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Picture a day

It has been so difficult to keep up with this lately! I have quite a few days where I didn't even get the chance to pick up my camera, so I will probably just edit some other pictures for those days. Better than giving up! It's been a crazy month, but I hope to refocus and concentrate on my photography.

Day One Hundred Thirty Four

This rose is from The Rose Garden in Portland. It's beautiful this time of the year!

Day One Hundred Thirty Five

Another picture from The Rose Garden! I love all of the different colors.

Day One Hundred Thirty Six

My beautiful little girl, deep in thought.

Day One Hundred Thirty Seven

I saw the rays poking through the clouds while at the park with my friend Tina. It was so pretty! I love the weather in Oregon (most of the time anyways!).

Day One Hundred Thirty Eight

My kitties just love the nice weather! They are just dying to get out. Sorry kitties! It's not safe with all of the traffic around here.

Day One Hundred Thirty Nine

At the park.

Day One Hundred Forty

A lone water lily.

Day One Hundred Forty One

I know this picture isn't perfect, but I think it's so sweet. I wish she could stay this little a while longer. It goes by so quickly!

Day One Hundred Forty Two

My husband, daughter, and one of our friends, Sissy.

Day One Hundred Forty Three

I am not usually a Nike fan, but these shoes are freaking adorable! I just love them on her.

Day One Hundred Forty Four

My husband, striking a pose for me.

Day One Hundred Forty Five

I can't believe she can color already! Where has the time gone?

Monday, June 22, 2009

Fountains, waterfalls, basketball, and other daily activities...

Maybe it's mommy goggles, but I love this one

Charlotte was a little unsure of the fountains

Blocking the fountain with her foot

Dad swinging Charlotte in the air

Finally she tries the water on her own

Sleeping in her carseat

Mario shootin some hoops

A girls gotta play in her finest clothes!

Dipping her feet in the creek

"hi mom!"

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Picture a Day

I am falling behind! I am excited though because I have some people who want me to take their portraits and I can't wait! I need a model who will sit still. A one year old who can't sit still is not an easy subject! Anyways, on with the project...

Day One Hundred Twenty Five

I know I love this one because she is my little girl - mommy goggles are in full effect

Day One Hundred Twenty Six

Our dog Ben. He is tough to get a decent picture of because he is all black, but this one came out pretty nicely.

Day One Hundred Twenty Seven

The sky was so beautiful this night! I wish I could have captured how truly awesome it really was. it is impossible to capture the color of the sky and the brightness of the moon at the same time though. Trust me, it was breathtaking.

Day One Hundred Twenty Eight

We had a crazy rainstorm start up out of nowhere. It was crazy!

Day One Hundred Twenty Nine

Isn't thins little guy cute?? He was so tiny that it was difficult to photograph him.

Day One Hundred Thirty

One of my BFF's (Amanda).

Day One Hundred Thirty One

Cute little tootsie wootsies. I just love pictures of all the little details in life.

Day One Hundred Thirty Two

Charlotte seriously loves water.

Day One Hundred Thirty Three

She is always making faces like this at me.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Here are a few pictures I found (while backing up photos, which I really need to do more often) of Charlotte from February. She was crawling around and wasn't used to trying to go downhill. That wasn't too successful ;)

And no, she wasn't hurt in the process. :)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Picture a Day

Day One Hundred Twenty Two

This is how I caught my cat laying above the cupboards the other day. I can't believe she managed to not fall off!

Day One Hundred Twenty Three

Some little flowers that are in some ground cover in our back yard. I wish I had a macro lens so I could get an even closer shot of them!

Day One Hundred Twenty Four

I thought the bulb on this flower at my parents house looked really neat!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Picture a Day

Day One Hundred Nineteen

Charlotte just loves water! I have a feeling there will be many pictures this summer of her playing in the water. This is one of those fountains in the ground that the kids can play with at a local park.

One Hundred Twenty

A tree in our neighborhood.

One Hundred Twenty One

This took a little bit of a hike to get to, but isn't it pretty? It's the Bridal Veil Falls in The Columbia Gorge.