
Friday, April 10, 2009

Day Sixty Eight, Day Sixty Nine, Day Seventy and Day Seventy One

Day Sixty Eight

This is a custom made shirt for Charlotte's first birthday! It was made by a girl named Amanda who runs a business on ETSY called Slice of Lime Designs. You can check out her shop here:

Slice of Lime Designs

Her stuff is so cute. This shirt matches Charlotte's first birthday theme (cupcakes) perfectly!

Day Sixty Nine

Someone started two fires across the street behind our house! The fire department came and everything. This is exactly why I don't like living so close to the MAX station (the light rail commuter train here in Portland). Too many people walk by our house.

Day Seventy

Charlotte's Birthday!! I cannot believe she is one already. This has been the fastest year of my life. I can't wait for many more years, and many more birthdays! Here she is wearing her custom shirt.

Day Eighty

The clouds looked so gorgeous today! The park was begging for a visit. Don't worry, Charlotte is being supported. Mario was standing behind her.

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