We are so lucky that Mario's mom is able to come up here and see Charlotte at least a couple times a year. Mario's side of the family mostly lives in Texas and New Mexico... so far away from Charlotte! We only get to go down there maybe once every year or so. Anyways, Grandma got to come see Charlotte! The weather was kinda rainy and cold, so we didn't get to do as many outdoor things this time, but it was still a fun visit! It went by way too quickly!
Day One
Playing with the blocks that Gracum (what Mario calls his grandma) sent Charlotte. She loves them!

Reading a book together

"There's the duckling grandma!"

Day TwoLooking at her new bath time baby

Not sure why she was making the evil face, but it's funny!

Eating Grandma's cooking! She really likes mole (like the Mexican dish, not the animal, LOL).

Playing Wii with Grandma and Dad

Intently watching the game

Sharing a nice moment with Grandma. Awwww!

Day ThreeTaking a walk in the park.

Demonstrating a yoga pose

Sitting in her stroller

'rella! (That's Charlotte for umbrella)